If you've just started following us, our life this year has been SO crazy. On Valentine's Day this year we kissed Nashville, TN goodbye, packed up everything we owned into our station wagon, and headed north west. We've been living for the past 3 months in a tiny, 250 square foot cabin in Shelton, WA on the property of sweet and generous friends of ours, John and Patty. Although it was the hugest adjustment ever for both of us, we've loved living here on this gorgeous farm in the middle of nowhere, along with John and Patty, and our friends Jesse and Julia (who live in a vintage Airstream next to us). We're in the process of trying to buy a home now in Tacoma, so I thought I would share photos of the farm life while we still live here!
This is Botch, Julia and Jesse's dog.
Our sweet Sadie. She avoids the camera!
This is our cottage!
I encountered this guy on my walk today. It was SO big and SO gross I had to take photos of it!