westward bound....

photo courtesy of John and Patty O'Sullivan

Hey everyone! Well it's time to make that official announcement that some of our regular rearders may have guessed was coming, and our close friends have known about for a little while. I was going to wait until closer to the date, but as people are confused about me trying to surf off the business of a higher profile photographer with the same name ALSO based in Seattle, I thought I'd take this opportunity to let everyone know that we are indeed MOVING TO SEATTLE!!!

We're so very excited about this change in our life - Josh and I went on our honeymoon in Seattle and just fell in love with the area. People looked at us like we were crazy for honeymooning there (why go anywhere besides Sandals Jamaica right?!) but it's definitely an area we feel drawn towards and a HUGE decision we've given much prayer to!

Reasons? My health here in Nashville has been deteriorating in the deep southern humidity (I have severe asthma). We have so many amazing friends we love so much - Nashville is where we met, fell in love, got married, and it's where our church family is that we are so connected to. It's definitely a hard thing to move away from this place we love so much but the Lord has really provided a huge open door for us in moving out to Washington, and living in a tiny cabin on the property of some dear friends of ours. (the photo above!) We're so excited! (I think I mentioned that.)

What does that mean for Nashville brides? Our weddings we have booked for the 2011 year already know about this change! We are still booking weddings in 2011 in Nashville without additional travel costs. All wedding inquiries for 2012 however will be quoted our current package price plus travel costs.

What does that mean for Seattle brides? We're now booking weddings in Seattle, Olympia, and the surrounding areas from March 2011 until as far ahead as you can plan. :)

Thanks for supporting and following us, Nashville! We still adore you.

featured on ruffled blog ♥

Love in Comics!