Now that Halloween is over...
It's officially CHRISTMAS SEASON. Right? Right? Anyone?
To be honest, I usually start my Christmas music in September but this year I did wait until October. The thing I love most about Halloween is that it feels like it kicks off the holiday season (Thanksgiving being the pre-game to Christmas). If you live in Arizona you're probably one of the people that makes the pilgrimage to Flagstaff every year in October to see the gorgeous yellow aspens. Every year we try, and every year, I inevitably get sick. Maybe that's our tradition? Hah! Anyway. Once Josh and I got married we decided to spend our first Christmas alone (not visiting family) and we've continued that tradition every year. I love our families so much, and I love visiting them. But there's something really special about hunkering down and enjoying Christmas day all by ourselves. But you know, it's such a crazy thing to plan out your family traditions- it seems like sometimes they just kind of have to happen for them to mean the most.
Now that it's starting to be cooler we are more than eager to throw on some sweaters and make our coffee hot (and pump the AC way up- hah) but as the kids get older I'm loving this season more and more, because for as much as I've always loved buying fall and winter clothes, it's even so much more fun picking out little cozy things for little ones.
I joined up with Hanna Andersson for this post and their site actually made it so easy to plan coordinated outfits with their Family Matching Sweater shop (this one was my fav!)! I ended up choosing things for each of us from several different shops but they all look coordinated. I've always loved Hanna Andersson's PJs for kids (the ones they have right now for the holidays are so cute, too, holy crap) but I never knew how high-quality their clothes were (or that they had clothes for women!). This is the sweater I'm wearing and I think it's going to be my winter staple. It's so soft and comfy, and feels like a big blanket!
Admiring our "matching" clogs. :)
We took some photos as soon as the weather cooled down a little bit, but for real, we are going to try and make it up to Flagstaff before Christmas sometime. FOR REAL. I declare it here!
Anyway are you guys the type of people that plan out family traditions or have your family traditions just happened? I think we are more in the "let it happen" camp but I'm super curious what everyone else does! :)