All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, right?
I posted yesterday about Visual Supply Company's new preset pack, Film 03. I have to say, every time they release something new, it feels like my birthday. I love getting to play with their presets, find new favorites, and see what new range I have to run with. To be honest, I really don't like editing. If you know me, you know that. Most photographers don't! We like shooting, visualizing, planning, and then we like the end result. It's somewhere in the middle that becomes really hard to be excited about. But VSCO has really made editing feel like a little bit of Play with how unique and tight their presets are, and I totally love them for it.
I know you're like, what's so special about another film pack? Film 03 is really based on instant films (a little more about it here); it has presets based on both professional and consumer grade instant films, as well as a tool kit that has settings like Old Lens and clarity down, to give it that good old fashioned plastic lens feel. ;) I processed this shoot we did a couple months ago with the lovely Courtney (her blog here!) and fell in love with this look of imagining I did the entire shoot with instant film. I love that it is pushing my creative boundaries with my editing looks.
Have you gotten it and played around with it yet? Anyone have any favorites so far? ;)