I never, ever thought I would be a wedding photographer. After finishing photography school, I did all I could to avoid shooting weddings! I could never say no to friends, but I dragged my feet through the whole process, I admit it. I even worked for a while at a wonderful, brilliantly talented wedding photography company called Whitebox Weddings in NC. I liked it but definitely did NOT identify with the wedding photography industry - because I was single FOREVER! (And probably a little cynical... I'm being honest!)
And then I met this guy. My first and only love.
From the beginning, Josh encouraged my photographic abilities more than anyone ever had. Not only that, he was so proud of me. He made me a logo and watermark that I used (before my name changed!). He commented on everything I ever uploaded to the internet, he reluctantly sat in front of my camera as my shutter clicked away wherever we went. And then we began to plan a wedding! We got to experience together the excitement and frustrations and creativity that is all poured into planning one very significant day. And now as I sit here typing at our kitchen table, I know that it is because of him - because of US as a team - that I absolutely love wedding photography. I suppose I needed to get to the point where I related and could sincerely enjoy the moments with the Bride & Groom because before, I never knew what a miracle Love truly is.
I love quiet mornings with my husband, and the dog of course... just enjoying the morning and some good strong coffee together. These are just some glimpses of our life, our home. Us! He is the reason why I love what I do. Thanks, deary, for being so wonderful.