Where have we gone?
I have to apologize for our absence! As I write this, my poor camera is under the weather and somewhere at Canon, being restored back to 100%. It doesn't quite stop the music however, as good photographer friends have been kind enough to loan me their cameras (luckily, we shoot the same equipment - phew!). I'm so excited for a portrait shoot tonight and for Andy and Ashley's anniversary shoot in the morning!! Be on the look out for more posts this week!
We sent out a survey for folks to take on our website, as I was thinking about restructuring a little, and one of the biggest responses we have received is a demand for more blog posts! Now here is where I ask you guys: do you want to see more wedding / love shoot posts? Would readers be interested in occasional creative or personal posts, or silly photoshoot project posts? Just out of curiousity! :) I love keeping things open and personal to us, but I don't know if that's what everyone wants to see. We really appreciate all of the feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it's expounded on, it gives us great insight as to how everyone else sees this baby of ours (because we look at this baby every day, and definitely can miss some things!) If you wouldn't mind leaving us comments below and letting us know we'd SO appreciate it. And if you really want to stay anonymous, make up an awesome name, like Friedrick Rick Vicksburg.
I hope everyone is enjoying this amazing autumn season, taking full advantage of the pumpkin spice option popping up on coffee shop menus both corporate and local! I know I am.